Spotted bollworms: Earias vittella, Spiny bollworm: Earias insulana |
Symptom of damage
Drying and drooping of terminal shoots during pre-flowering stage
Shedding of squares and young bolls
Flaring up of bracts during square and young boll formation stage
Holes on bolls and rotting of bolls
Drying - terminal shoots |
Bore holes and rotting |
Identification Characters and Biology
Economic threshold level: ETL: 10% infested shoots / squares / bolls.
Identification of the pest: E. insulana
Larva: Brown with dorsum showing a white median longitudinal streak. The last two thoracic segments and all the abdominal segments have two pairs of fleshy tubercles (finger shaped processes) one dorsal and the other lateral. Pupa: brown and boat shaped. Adults: Small buff coloured. Forewings are uniformly silvery green.
Eggs are laid singly on young shoots and further on peduncles and bracteoles or squares (flower buds) and young bolls as they are formed. Egg period: 2-3 days, larval period: 10-12 days; Pupal period: 7-10 days and adult longevity: 7-10 days.
E. vitella - Larva |
E. vitella - Adult |
E. insulana - Larva |
E. insulana - Adult |
Integrated Management
Collection and removal infested squares and flowers.
Alternate crops should be removed.
Application of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki 5% WP300-400g / acre or
Spray any one of the following insecticides viz.,
Flubendiamide 39.35%SC40-50 ml/acre or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC 60 ml/acre or
Indoxacarb 14.5%SC 200ml/acre or Diflubenzuron 25%WP 120-140g/acre or Fipronil 5% SC 800ml/acre or Spinetoram 11.7 % SC @ 168-188 ml/acre.